Results for 'Jeneth Day Onan'

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    Dorothy Day on the Duty of Delight.Dorothy Day - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (1/2):276-277.
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    Dorothy Day’s Friendship with Helene Iswolsky.Dorothy Day - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (1/2):289-292.
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  3. Putting inference to the best explanation in its place.Timothy Day & Harold Kincaid - 1994 - Synthese 98 (2):271-295.
    This paper discusses the nature and the status of inference to the best explanation. We outline the foundational role given IBE by its defenders and the arguments of critics who deny it any place at all ; argue that, on the two main conceptions of explanation, IBE cannot be a foundational inference rule ; sketch an account of IBE that makes it contextual and dependent on substantive empirical assumptions, much as simplicity seems to be ; show how that account avoids (...)
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  4. Hope.John Patrick Day - 1969 - American Philosophical Quarterly 6 (2):89-102.
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  5. Seeing Aspects in Wittgenstein.William Day & Victor J. Krebs - 2010 - In William Day & Víctor J. Krebs, Seeing Wittgenstein Anew. Cambridge University Press.
    This is the introduction to Seeing Wittgenstein Anew, eds. William Day & Victor J. Krebs (Cambridge UP, 2010), a collection of essays on Ludwig Wittgenstein's remarks on aspect-seeing. Section 1: Why Seeing Aspects Now?; Section 2: The Importance of Seeing Aspects; Section 3: The Essays. (The front matter to Seeing Wittgenstein Anew appears above under "Books.").
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  6. Seeing Wittgenstein Anew.William Day & Víctor J. Krebs (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Seeing Wittgenstein Anew is the first collection to examine Ludwig Wittgenstein’s remarks on the concept of aspect-seeing. These essays show that aspect-seeing was not simply one more topic of investigation in Wittgenstein’s later writings, but, rather, that it was a pervasive and guiding concept in his efforts to turn philosophy’s attention to the actual conditions of our common life in language. Arranged in sections that highlight the pertinence of the aspect-seeing remarks to aesthetic and moral perception, self-knowledge, mind and consciousness, (...)
  7. Wanting to Say Something: Aspect-Blindness and Language.William Day - 2010 - In William Day & Víctor J. Krebs, Seeing Wittgenstein Anew. Cambridge University Press.
    "Lest one think that the focus on aspect-seeing in Wittgenstein is only a means to more contemporary philosophical ends, one ought to read Day’s remarkable 'Wanting to Say Something: Aspect-Blindness and Language'. Day considers the issue of aspect-blindness, arguing that universal aspect-blindness is impossible for beings with language. Specifically, he shows that a child’s first attempt at language, at trying “bloh” for “ball,” is neither an indication that the child sees the ball for the first time, nor an indication that (...)
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    Epistemology and Cognition.Timothy Joseph Day - 1992 - Noûs 26 (1):104-109.
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    The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke.J. P. Day - 1964 - Philosophical Quarterly 14 (56):266-268.
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    Shot through with voices: Dissociation mediates the relationship between varieties of inner speech and auditory hallucination proneness.Ben Alderson-Day, Simon McCarthy-Jones, Sarah Bedford, Hannah Collins, Holly Dunne, Chloe Rooke & Charles Fernyhough - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27:288-296.
  11.  59
    The varieties of inner speech questionnaire – Revised (VISQ-R): Replicating and refining links between inner speech and psychopathology.Ben Alderson-Day, Kaja Mitrenga, Sam Wilkinson, Simon McCarthy-Jones & Charles Fernyhough - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 65 (C):48-58.
  12. Knowing as Instancing: Jazz Improvisation and Moral Perfectionism.William Day - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (2):99-111.
    This essay presents an approach to understanding improvised music, finding in the work of certain outstanding jazz musicians an emblem of Ralph Waldo Emerson's notion of self-trust and of Stanley Cavell's notion of moral perfectionism. The essay critiques standard efforts to interpret improvised solos as though they were composed, contrasting that approach to one that treats the procedures of improvisation as derived from our everyday actions. It notes several levels of correspondence between our interest in jazz improvisations and the particular (...)
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    Shakespeare vs Wittgenstein: The Fight for Meaning.William Day - 2025 - The Institute of Art and Ideas, Iai News.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein was, famously, not a fan of William Shakespeare. He wrote in 1946 that “Shakespeare's similes are, in the ordinary sense, bad.” But Wittgenstein’s opinion was not only one fueled by aesthetic dislike. This short website article argues that Wittgenstein sees in Shakespeare a fellow explorer of skepticism, but one willing to travel down dark alleys that Wittgenstein himself sought to avoid. (This article is a journalistic version of "To Not Understand, but Not Misunderstand: Wittgenstein on Shakespeare," in Wittgenstein (...)
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    Intuitive cognition.Sebastian J. Day - 1947 - St. Bonaventure, N.Y.,: Franciscan Institute.
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  15. What Present-Day Theologians Are Thinking.Daniel Day Williams - 1952
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  16. Lucan and the Sublime: Power, Representation and Aesthetic Experience.Henry J. M. Day - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first comprehensive study of the sublime in Lucan. Drawing upon renewed literary-critical interest in the tradition of philosophical aesthetics, Henry Day argues that the category of the sublime offers a means of moving beyond readings of Lucan's Bellum Civile in terms of the poem's political commitment or, alternatively, nihilism. Demonstrating in dialogue with theorists from Burke and Kant to Freud, Lyotard and Ankersmit the continuing vitality of Longinus' foundational treatise On the Sublime, Day charts Lucan's complex and (...)
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  17. Psychedelic Expansion of Consciousness: A Phenomenological Study in Terms of Attention.Jason K. Day & Susanne Schmetkamp - 2022 - InCircolo 13:111-135.
    Induced by intake of the psychedelic substances LSD, psilocybin, DMT and mescaline, psychedelic experiences have been extensively described by subjects as entailing a most unusual increase in the scope and quality of their consciousness. Accordingly, psychedelic experiences have been widely characterised as an “expansion of consciousness.” This article poses the following question, as yet unaddressed in contemporary philosophy and the tradition of phenomenology: to what exactly does “expansion of consciousness” refer as a general characterisation of psychedelic experiences, and what role (...)
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    Experience and Theory: An Essay in the Philosophy of Science.J. P. Day & Stephan Korner - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (76):284.
  19. Obesity, identity and community: Leveraging social networks for behavior change in public health.Norah Mulvaney-Day & Catherine A. Womack - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (3):250-260.
    Obesity is a public health problem influenced by behavioral patterns that span an ecological spectrum of individual-level factors, social network factors and environmental factors. Both individual and environmental approaches necessarily include significant influences from social networks, but how and under what conditions social networks influence behavior change is often not clearly mapped out either in the obesity literature or in many intervention designs. In this paper, we provide an analysis of recent empirical work in obesity research that explicates social network (...)
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    Threats, Offers, Law, Opinion and Liberty.J. P. Day - 1977 - American Philosophical Quarterly 14 (4):257 - 272.
  21. Words Fail Me. (Stanley Cavell's Life out of Music).William Day - 2020 - In David LaRocca, Inheriting Stanley Cavell: Memories, Dreams, Reflections. New York: Bloomsbury. pp. 187-97.
    Stanley Cavell isn't the first to arrive at philosophy through a life with music. Nor is he the first whose philosophical practice bears the marks of that life. Much of Cavell's life with music is confirmed for the world in his philosophical autobiography Little Did I Know. A central moment in that book is Cavell's describing the realization that he was to leave his musical career behind – for what exactly, he did not yet know. He connects the memory-shock of (...)
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  22. Transnational Corporate Social Responsibility: A Tri-Dimensional Approach to International CSR Research.Marne L. Arthaud-Day - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (1):1-22.
    Abstract:Comparatively few studies have analyzed the social behavior of multinational corporations (MNCs) at a cross-national level. To address this gap in the literature, we propose a “transnational” model of corporate social responsibility (CSR) that permits identification of universal domains, yet incorporates the flexibility and adaptability demanded by international research. The model is tri-dimensional in that it juxtaposes: 1) Bartlett and Ghoshal’s (1998, 2000) typology of MNC strategies (multinational, global, “international,” and transnational); 2) the three conceptual domains of CSR (human rights, (...)
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  23. More than one voice: Investigating the phenomenological properties of inner speech requires a variety of methods.Ben Alderson-Day & Charles Fernyhough - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 24:113-114.
  24.  35
    Books of definition in Islamic philosophy: the limits of words.Kiki Kennedy-Day - 2003 - New York: RoutledgeCurzon.
    The first section of this book surveys the development of Islamic philosophy though an examination of the definitions for substance, cause and matter. These important philosophical terms were defined by each new generation of philosophers. The definitions show an awareness of Greek philosophy, but also take metaphysical thought into an Islamic matrix. In the second section the author translates Ibn Sina's Kitab al-hudud and puts the tenth-century philosopher in his proper geopolitical sphere. Questions of Ibn Sina' connection with the East (...)
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    Hope: A Philosophical Inquiry.John Patrick Day - 1991 - Philosophical Society of Finland.
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  26. The Aesthetic Dimension of Wittgenstein's Later Writings.William Day - 2017 - In Garry L. Hagberg, Wittgenstein on Aesthetic Understanding. Cham: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 3-29.
    In this essay I argue the extent to which meaning and judgment in aesthetics figures in Wittgenstein’s later conception of language, particularly in his conception of how philosophy might go about explaining the ordinary functioning of language. Following a review of some biographical and textual matters concerning Wittgenstein’s life with music, I outline the connection among (1) Wittgenstein’s discussions of philosophical clarity or perspicuity, (2) our attempts to give clarity to our aesthetic experiences by wording them, and (3) the clarifying (...)
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  27. On Liberty and the Real Will.J. P. Day - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (173):177 - 192.
    1. Introduction . In the chapter which he devotes to the applications of his principle of individual liberty, Mill considers the question ‘how far liberty may legitimately be invaded for the prevention of crime, or of accident’. On the latter topic, he writes:—‘… it is a proper office of public authority to guard against accidents. If either a public officer or anyone else saw a person attempting to cross a bridge which had been ascertained to be unsafe, and there were (...)
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    Uncharted features and dynamics of reading: Voices, characters, and crossing of experiences.Ben Alderson-Day, Marco Bernini & Charles Fernyhough - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:98-109.
  29. (2 other versions)A Soteriology of Reading: Cavell's Excerpts from Memory.William Day - 2011 - In James Loxley & Andrew Taylor, Stanley Cavell: Philosophy, Literature and Criticism. Manchester University Press. pp. 76-91.
    "William Day is . . . concerned to explore the dynamics of what Cavell calls 'a theology of reading' through a careful examination of a fragment of the philosopher's autobiography first published as 'Excerpts from Memory' (2006) and subsequently revised for Little Did I Know (2010). If, as Cavell suggests, 'the underlying subject' of both criticism and philosophy is 'the subject of examples', in which our interest lies in their emblematic aptness or richness as exemplars, exemplarity becomes central to the (...)
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  30. Infinite regress arguments.Timothy Joseph Day - 1987 - Philosophical Papers 16 (2):155-164.
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  31. Polyhedral Completeness of Intermediate Logics: The Nerve Criterion.Sam Adam-day, Nick Bezhanishvili, David Gabelaia & Vincenzo Marra - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (1):342-382.
    We investigate a recently devised polyhedral semantics for intermediate logics, in which formulas are interpreted in n-dimensional polyhedra. An intermediate logic is polyhedrally complete if it is complete with respect to some class of polyhedra. The first main result of this paper is a necessary and sufficient condition for the polyhedral completeness of a logic. This condition, which we call the Nerve Criterion, is expressed in terms of Alexandrov’s notion of the nerve of a poset. It affords a purely combinatorial (...)
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  32. Impressions of Meaning in Cavell's Life Out of Music.William Day - 2024 - In David LaRocca, Music with Stanley Cavell in mind. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 53-81.
    This chapter is a substantially expanded version of (and so substantially supersedes) “Words Fail Me. (Stanley Cavell’s Life Out of Music)” that appeared in Inheriting Stanley Cavell: Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Bloomsbury, 2020). It offers to read Cavell’s claim that “philosophy, of a certain ambition, tends perpetually to intersect the autobiographical.” Its guiding thought is that a life that finds a home in philosophy from out of its devotion to music (as is true of, among others, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and Wittgenstein, all (...)
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    Religious Ethics and the Spirit of Undomesticated Dissent.Keri Day - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (1):44-65.
    The field of religious ethics contributes to practices of resistance and hope in broader society. In advancing my claim that religious ethics contributes to practices of resistance and hope today, I first tell a story about the changing demographics in the field of religious ethics and why this demographic shift is important. I next focus on womanist religious scholarship as an exemplary discourse in religious ethics and how it has contributed to practices of resistance and hope in the academy and (...)
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  34. Contrast, inference and scientific realism.Mark Day & George S. Botterill - 2008 - Synthese 160 (2):249-267.
    The thesis of underdetermination presents a major obstacle to the epistemological claims of scientific realism. That thesis is regularly assumed in the philosophy of science, but is puzzlingly at odds with the actual history of science, in which empirically adequate theories are thin on the ground. We propose to advance a case for scientific realism which concentrates on the process of scientific reasoning rather than its theoretical products. Developing an account of causal–explanatory inference will make it easier to resist the (...)
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    Religion, Off-Line Cognition and the Extended Mind.Matthew Day - 2004 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 4 (1):101-121.
    This essay argues that the "classical" or "standard" computation model of an enviroment of thought may hamstring the nascent cognitive science of religion by masking the ways in which the bare biological brain is prosthetically extended and embedded in the surrounding landscape. The motivation for distinsuishing between the problem-solving profiles of the basic brain and the brain-plus-scaffolding is that in many domains non-biological artifacts support and augment biological modes of computation - often allowing us to overcome some of the brain's (...)
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  36. Locke on property.J. P. Day - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (64):207-220.
  37. More about hope and fear.J. P. Day - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (1):121-123.
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    Present and Emerging Ethical Issues with tDCS use: A Summary and Review.Parker Day, Jack Twiddy & Veljko Dubljević - 2022 - Neuroethics 16 (1):1-25.
    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a brain stimulation technique known for its relative safety and minimal invasiveness. tDCS has demonstrated efficacy as a potential treatment for certain neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, and has been shown to enhance a range of cognitive abilities under certain contexts. As a result, this technique has captured the interest of both the research community and the public at large. However, efforts to gather information about the effects of tDCS on the brain are (...)
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    A Soteriology of Reading: Cavell's Excerpts from Memory.William Day - 2011 - In James Loxley & Andrew Taylor, Stanley Cavell: Philosophy, Literature and Criticism. Manchester University Press. pp. 76-91.
    "William Day is . . . concerned to explore the dynamics of what Cavell calls 'a theology of reading' through a careful examination of a fragment of the philosopher's autobiography first published as 'Excerpts from Memory' (2006) and subsequently revised for Little Did I Know (2010). If, as Cavell suggests, 'the underlying subject' of both criticism and philosophy is 'the subject of examples', in which our interest lies in their emblematic aptness or richness as exemplars, exemplarity becomes central to the (...)
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    Dialectical Passions: Negation in Postwar Art Theory.Gail Day - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    Representing a new generation of theorists reaffirming the radical dimensions of art, Gail Day launches a bold critique of late twentieth-century art theory and its often reductive analysis of cultural objects. Exploring core debates in discourses on art, from the New Left to theories of "critical postmodernism" and beyond, Day counters the belief that recent tendencies in art fail to be adequately critical. She also challenges the political inertia that results from these conclusions. Day organizes her defense around critics who (...)
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  41. Plato's Meno in Focus.Jane Mary Day (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    In one volume, this book brings together a new English translation of Plato's _Meno_, a selection of illuminating articles on themes in the dialogue published between 1965 and 1985 and an introduction setting the _Meno_ in its historical context and opening up the key philosophical issues which the various articles discuss. A glossary is provided which briefly introduces some of the key terms and indicates how they are translated. The _Meno_ is an excellent introduction to Plato and philosophy.
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    A Care Ethics Approach to Ethical Advocacy for Community Conditions.Philip G. Day, Kristian E. Sanchack & Robert P. Lennon - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (4):35-37.
    Volume 20, Issue 4, May 2020, Page 35-37.
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  43. The theory of perception in Plato's Theaetetus 152-183.Jane Day - 1997 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 15:51-80.
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    Empirical Justification.Timothy Joseph Day - 1990 - Noûs 24 (4):613.
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  45. The anatomy of hope and fear.J. P. Day - 1970 - Mind 79 (315):369-384.
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    The philosophers of China: classical and contemporary.Clarence Burton Day - 1962 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
    Clarence B. Day was an Eastern Studies philosopher and historian who published widely on China and its traditions. In addition to The Philosophers of China, Day is known for his research on Chinese theology and cults.
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  47. Spontaneity & the Pattern of Things the Zirán and Wùshi of Wáng Chong's Lun Héng by M. Henri Day.Ch'ung Wang & M. Henri Day - 1972
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    Visions of a Field: Recent Developments in Studies of Social Science and Humanities.Christian Dayé - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (6):877-891.
    This field review discusses several recently published books that are concerned with historical, cultural, philosophical, or sociological aspects of the social sciences and humanities, past and present. It investigates similarities and differences between the various perspectives and approaches, and analyzes how these are informed by different visions of the field of SSH studies. In concluding, the review discusses three recurrent themes that will presumably move in the focus of debate in the near future: the debate on positivism in SSH and (...)
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    Physician moral injury in the context of moral, ethical and legal codes.Philip Day, Jennifer Lawson, Sneha Mantri, Abhi Jain, David Rabago & Robert Lennon - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):746-752.
    After 40 years of attributing high rates of physician career dissatisfaction, attrition, alcoholism, divorce and suicide to ‘burnout’, there is growing recognition that these outcomes may instead be caused by moral injury. This has led to a debate about the relative diagnostic merits of these two terms, a recognition that interventions designed to treat burnout may be ineffective, and much perplexity about how—if at all—this changes anything. The current research seeks to develop the construct of moral injury outside military contexts, (...)
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    Rituals in stone: early Greek grave epigrams and monuments.Joseph W. Day - 1989 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 109:16-28.
    The goal of this paper is to increase our understanding of what archaic verse epitaphs meant to contemporary readers. Section I suggests their fundamental message was praise of the deceased, expressed in forms characteristic of poetic encomium in its broad, rhetorical sense, i.e., praise poetry. In section II, the conventions of encomium in the epitaphs are compared to the iconographic conventions of funerary art. I conclude that verse inscriptions and grave markers, not only communicate the same message of praise, but (...)
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